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Would decompressive craniectomy really bring the hope to severe traumatic brain injury?

	author = {Hua-Wei Huang and Guo-Bin Zhang and Jian-Xin Zhou},
	title = {Would decompressive craniectomy really bring the hope to severe traumatic brain injury?},
	journal = {Journal of Thoracic Disease},
	volume = {8},
	number = {11},
	year = {2016},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {In September of this year, the results of the Randomised Evaluation of Surgery with Craniectomy for Uncontrollable Elevation of Intracranial Pressure (RESCUEicp) trial—an international multicenter randomized control trial (RCT) by Hutchinson and colleagues was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine (1).},
	issn = {2077-6624},	url = {}