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Nanos gigantium humeris insidentes: the awarded Cox proportional hazards model

	author = {Luca Bertolaccini and Alessandro Pardolesi and Fabio Davoli and Piergiorgio Solli},
	title = {Nanos gigantium humeris insidentes: the awarded Cox proportional hazards model},
	journal = {Journal of Thoracic Disease},
	volume = {8},
	number = {11},
	year = {2016},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {“Life tables are one of the oldest statistical techniques and are extensively used by medical statisticians and by actuaries […]. The present paper is largely concerned with the extension of the results of Kaplan and Meier to the comparison of life table and more generally to the incorporation of regression-like arguments into life-table analysis […]. The applications are more likely to be […] in medical statistics than in actuarial science” (1).},
	issn = {2077-6624},	url = {}