author = {Dario Buccheri and Giuseppe Caramanno and Salvatore Geraci and Bernardo Cortese},
title = {Should we reconsider dual antiplatelet therapy duration following bioresorbable scaffold angioplasty?},
journal = {Journal of Thoracic Disease},
volume = {9},
number = {3},
year = {2017},
keywords = {},
abstract = {In the last years, the fourth revolution of interventional cardiology, represented by bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS), became real. BVS’s prerogatives are a good radial force to counter back acute vessel recoil for the time needed, then a complete disappearance after few years. Latest generation drug-eluting stents (DES) showed that a reduction in dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) could be afforded if clinically needed without incurring in thrombotic events (1,2), even if the DAPT trial showed that a 2.5 years prolonged DAPT was associated with reduced myocardial infarction, stent thrombosis (ST) and MACE, at the expense of higher bleeding rates (3-},
issn = {2077-6624}, url = {https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/12479}