author = {Ting-Yen Chiang and Ming-Fang Yin and Shun-Mao Yang and Ke-Cheng Chen},
title = {Thoracoscopic management of incarcerated lung herniation after blunt chest trauma: a case report and literature review},
journal = {Journal of Thoracic Disease},
volume = {9},
number = {3},
year = {2017},
keywords = {},
abstract = {Traumatic lung herniation is a rare condition that is usually treated with thoracotomy and pericostal fixation of adjacent ribs with sutures. We described a traumatic lung herniation case successfully managed with hernia reduction and double-layered repair of the intrathoracic defect, completed via a total thoracoscopic approach.},
issn = {2077-6624}, url = {https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/12542}