%0 Journal Article %T Correlation between the intima-media thickness and Framingham risk score in patients with sleep apnea syndrome %A Özdemir, Cengiz %A Conkbayır, Işık %A Kuru, Aslıhan %A Fırat, Hikmet %A Sökücü, Sinem Nedime %A Dalar, Levent %A Ergün, Recai %A Uzunmehmetoğlu, Çağla Pınar %A Ergün, Dilek %A Ardıc, Sadık %J Journal of Thoracic Disease %D 2013 %B 2013 %9 %! Correlation between the intima-media thickness and Framingham risk score in patients with sleep apnea syndrome %K %X Background: In the present study, we want to demonstrate the correlation between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) whose independent effect on carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) was demonstrated, with Framingham risk score (FRS) showing the overall cardiovascular risk. Methods: IMT of the carotid artery was measured with ultrasonography and 10-year risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) was defined with FRS in 90 consecutive patients referred to our sleep clinic and who underwent polysomnography (PSG), with vascular risk factors and without a clinical atherosclerotic disease. Results: IMT and FRS were found to be statistically significantly increased in the severe OSAS group compared to the other two groups. Carotid IMT was found to be significantly positively correlated with, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), oxygen desaturation index (ODI) and time duration with oxygen saturation (SpO2) %U https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/1878 %V 5 %N 6 %P 751-757 %@ 2077-6624