TY - JOUR AU - Nosotti, Mario AU - Tarsia, Paolo AU - Morlacchi, Letizia Corinna PY - 2018 TI - Infections after lung transplantation JF - Journal of Thoracic Disease; Vol 10, No 6 (June 30, 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease Y2 - 2018 KW - N2 - The good clinical result of lung transplantation is constantly undermined by the high incidence of infection, which negatively impacts on function and survival. Moreover, infections may also have immunological interactions that play a role in the acute rejection and in the development of chronic lung allograft dysfunction. There is a temporal sequence in the types of infection that affects lung allograft: in the first postoperative month bacteria are the most frequent cause of infection; following this phase, cytomegalovirus and Pneumocystis carinii are common. Fungal infections are particularly feared due to their association with bronchial complication and high mortality. Scrupulous postoperative surveillance is mandatory for the successful management of lung transplantation patients with respect to early detection and treatment of infections. This paper is aimed to address clinicians in the management of the major infectious complications that affect the lung transplant population. UR - https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/21796