author = {Marco Chiappetta and Luca Pogliani and Dania Nachira and Maria Letizia Vita and Stefano Margaritora},
title = {Chest ultrasound in post-operative management: the needed to rethink our perspective?},
journal = {Journal of Thoracic Disease},
volume = {11},
number = {Suppl 15},
year = {2019},
keywords = {},
abstract = {We read with interest the paper “Significance of chest ultrasound in the early postoperative period following thoracic surgery” of Dr. Thomas G. Lesser (1), underlining the limited use of chest ultrasonography (CU) in post-operative.},
issn = {2077-6624}, url = {https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/31250}