%0 Journal Article %T Implementation of simulation-based crisis training in robotic thoracic surgery: how to improve safety and performance? %A Baste, Jean-Marc %A Bottet, Benjamin %A Selim, Jean %A Sarsam, Matthieu %A Lefevre-Scelles, Antoine %A Dusseaux, Marie-Melody %A Franchina, Sébastien %A Palenzuela, Anne-Sophie %A Chagraoui, Abdeslam %A Peillon, Christophe %A Thouroude, Alexandre %A Henry, Jean-Pierre %A Coq, Jean-Michel M. %A Sibert, Louis %A Damm, Cédric %J Journal of Thoracic Disease %D 2020 %B 2020 %9 %! Implementation of simulation-based crisis training in robotic thoracic surgery: how to improve safety and performance? %K %X %U https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/44137 %P S26-S34 %@ 2077-6624