TY - JOUR AU - Hata, Yoshinobu AU - Sakamoto, Susumu AU - Shiraga, Nobuyuki AU - Sato, Keita AU - Sato, Fumitomo AU - Otsuka, Hajime AU - Goto, Hidenori AU - Takagi, Keigo AU - Watanabe, Yoshinori PY - 2012 TI - A case of chronic expanding hematoma resulting in fatal hemoptysis JF - Journal of Thoracic Disease; Vol 4, No 5 (October 29, 2012): Journal of Thoracic Disease Y2 - 2012 KW - N2 - An 80-year-old woman presented with a huge intrathoracic mass which had increased in size over 4 years. Computed tomography showed a thick calcified capsule and early-enhanced streaks inside the mass. Needle biopsy aspirated pure blood and fibrous connective tissue. F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography showed moderate FDG uptake at the periphery with central photon defects. Gallium-67 scintigraphy showed no abnormal uptake. On suspicion of chronic expanding hematoma, we recommended surgical resection, but the patient requested only follow-up. One year later, she was hospitalized with cardiac tamponade and subsequent massive hemoptysis. Repeated embolization was ineffective, and the patient soon succumbed. UR - https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/494