%0 Journal Article %T Editorial on “Postoperative survival for patients with thymoma complicating myasthenia gravis—preliminary retrospective results of the ChART database” %A Toker, Alper %A Ozkan, Berker %J Journal of Thoracic Disease %D 2016 %B 2016 %9 %! Editorial on “Postoperative survival for patients with thymoma complicating myasthenia gravis—preliminary retrospective results of the ChART database” %K %X This article by Wang and coauthors analyzes the preliminary retrospective results of the ChART database on ‘Postoperative survival for patients with thymoma complicating myasthenia gravis’ (1). The Chinese Alliance for Research in Thymomas (ChART) registry recruited 2,306 patients with thymoma from 18 centers over the country in 20 (from 1992 to 2012) years with the intention to compare the postoperative survival between patients with thymoma only and those with both thymoma and myasthenia gravis (MG) so as to have a preliminary understanding of how MG affects the prognosis of patients with thymoma. %U https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/7411 %V 8 %N 6 %P 1048-1049 %@ 2077-6624