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Complications related to extracorporeal life support in lung transplantation: single-center analysis

	author = {Michaela Orlitová and Wout Goos and Jan Van Slambrouck and Karlien Degezelle and Cedric Vanluyten and Christelle Vandervelde and Julie De Beule and Xin Jin and Evelien Berkmans and Paul De Leyn and Herbert Decaluwé and Hans Van Veer and Lieven Depypere and Geert M. Verleden and Laurent Godinas and Robin Vos and Erwin De Troy and Dieter F. Dauwe and Catherine Ingels and Philippe Meersseman and Greet Hermans and Joost Wauters and Filip Rega and Bart Meyns and Tom Verbelen and Dirk E. Van Raemdonck and Arne P. Neyrinck and Laurens J. Ceulemans},
	title = {Complications related to extracorporeal life support in lung transplantation: single-center analysis},
	journal = {Journal of Thoracic Disease},
	volume = {15},
	number = {11},
	year = {2023},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {},
	issn = {2077-6624},	url = {}