%0 Journal Article %T Prognostic factors in lung transplantation after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation bridging therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis %A Zhu, Yan %A Zeng, Fei %A Lan, Mei-Juan %A Liang, Jiang-Shu-Yuan %A Cai, Ling-Yun %A Gu, Pei-Pei %A Guo, Lu-Yao %J Journal of Thoracic Disease %D 2024 %B 2024 %9 %! Prognostic factors in lung transplantation after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation bridging therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis %K %X %U https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/85674 %V 16 %N 4 %P 2216-2224 %@ 2077-6624