%0 Journal Article %T Early detection and early treatment of lung cancer: risks and benefits %A Veronesi, Giulia %A Novellis, Pierluigi %A Voulaz, Emanuele %A Alloisio, Marco %J Journal of Thoracic Disease %D 2016 %B 2016 %9 %! Early detection and early treatment of lung cancer: risks and benefits %K %X The paper by Zhu and colleagues (1) on the clinical characteristics of primary peripheral lung adenocarcinomas is notable for showing that lesions up to 1 cm in diameter have different clinical characteristics to, and better survival than, lesions 1.1–2.0 cm. The authors coined the term “micro-sized” to describe these adenocarcinomas up to 1 cm, and suggested they might be adequately treated by sublobar resection without mediastinal lymph node dissection. %U https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/9172 %V 8 %N 9 %P E1060-E1062 %@ 2077-6624