This series on “Ethnic Difference in Lung Cancer” is edited by Dr. Tomoya Kawaguchi, from Department of Respiratory Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan; and Dr. Phillip C. Mack, from University of California Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, U.S.A.
This series is designed with an aim to discuss ethnic difference in lung cancer. By conducting data from Asian countries and the foreign countries, we try to access mainly the different treatment efficacies and the side effects, the differences of environment, and the differences of ethnicity in the means of cure. This series basically presents the recent literature on this theme for an in- depth analysis that can guide clinical practice by our readers and also identify future research directions.
Ethnic difference in lung cancer: an important issue in a globalized society
Differences in molecular epidemiology of lung cancer among ethnicities (Asian vs. Caucasian)
Different treatment efficacies and side effects of cytotoxic chemotherapy
Are there any ethnic differences in the efficacy and safety of immune checkpoint inhibitors for treatment of lung cancer?
Difference of environment behind research and clinical practice between USA and Japan
Difference of background in research and clinical practice between USA and China
The series “Ethnic Difference in Lung Cancer” was commissioned by the Editorial office, Journal of Thoracic Disease without any sponsorship or funding. Tomoya Kawaguchi and Philip C. Mack served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.