This series on “Small Cell Lung Cancer” is edited by Dr. Jose Pacheco, from Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, Colorado, USA.
In this series, we discuss the role for surgery in the management of Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC). We also discuss management of paraneoplastic syndromes and superior vena cava syndrome, two important comorbidities seen in SCLC. We would like to thank all the authors for their contributions to this special series and are confident it will help improve the readers’ understanding of SCLC.
Small cell lung cancer: updates and future directions
Immunotherapy for extensive stage small cell lung cancer
Prophylactic cranial irradiation or MRI surveillance for extensive stage small cell lung cancer
Radiosurgery for small-cell lung cancer brain metastases: a review
PARP inhibitors for small cell lung cancer and their potential for integration into current treatment approaches
Paraneoplastic syndromes in small cell lung cancer
Systemic therapy options following first-line chemoimmunotherapy in small-cell lung cancer
Systemic therapy for limited stage small cell lung carcinoma
Surgery for limited stage small cell lung cancer
Drugs in development for small cell lung cancer
What is the role of consolidative thoracic radiotherapy in the era of chemo-immunotherapy for extensive stage small cell lung cancer?
The focused issue “Small Cell Lung Cancer” was commissioned by the editorial office, Journal of Thoracic Disease without any funding or sponsorship. Jose Pacheco is serving as the unpaid Guest Editor for the focused issue.