GCTAB Columns

Video-assisted thoracolaparoscopic esophagectomy: the experience of Shanghai Chest Hospital

Teng Mao, Wentao Fang, Zhitao Gu, Xufeng Guo, Chunyu Ji, Wenhu Chen


The traditional open esophagectomy is associated with higher morbidity, while minimally invasive procedures could be accompanied with a lower one. In this case, the patient is placed in the prone-decubitus position and the surgeon stands in front of the patient. The “four ports” approach is adopted in the thoracoscopic procedure with CO2 insufflation, and the esophagus and lymph nodes are dissected. In the laparoscopic procedure, “hand assistant technique” is employed. The esophagogastric anastomosis is similar with McKeown procedure.

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