Successful launch of JTD’s and TLCR’s focused issues on lung cancer: a “perfect full stop” for lung cancer research in 2013
The 15th World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC 2013) was expectedly held at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia from October 27 to October 30, 2013. The theme of the 2013 meeting is ‘Next-Generation Lung Cancer Care’, under which, the conference welcomed experts from all over the world to communicate their ideas on the better lung cancer care.
Journal of Thoracic Disease (JTD)/Translational Lung Cancer Research (TLCR) editorial team gladly joined this academic opportunity in lung cancer to better introduce our journal to the specialists attending the conference. We here would like to express our sincere gratitude to our dear authors, editorial board members and readers who have come around our booth and get to know the special editions.
The Opening Plenary Session began on October 27, chaired by Conference Presidents Michael Boyer and Kwun Fong. Four IASLC Distinguished Awards were presented to David R. Gandara, MD, James Jett, MD, Pieter E. Postmus, MD and Tetsuya Mitsudomi, MD, followed by the welcome reception.
As the exhibition hall become lively at 8:00 pm at the conclusion of the opening plenary session (Figures 1-3), comes the cerebration of the launch of special issue on lung cancer dedicated to the conference (guested-edited by Prof. Fong Kwun).

To translate evidence to practice, the special issue on lung cancer ( focuses on the latest and most topical advances in lung cancer research and developments that have the highest potential to change practice or policy.
It entails articles summarizing the genetic susceptibility to lung cancer and associated conditions, namely smoking and COPD, guidelines to assist clinicians in 2013, review of the emerging data of lung cancer genomics, modern transthoracic approaches to the diagnosis of lung cancer, ablative techniques (RFA, MWA and cryotherapy), modern bronchoscopic advances for lung cancer (fluorescence, NBI, optical coherence, navigation and endobronchial ultrasound), surgical techniques for lung cancer and how to best provide supportive and symptom care in lung cancer.
Looking back, JTD and TLCR are dedicated to serving as a strong academic platform for specialist with their attention to the readers’ expectant field of vision in collaboration with the well-recognized specialists. Since 2013, JTD has brought out three special issue focusing on lung cancer (both in surgery and other treatments), and TLCR has also published three related issues, (genomics and management of early stage NSCLC).
With the global dream of curing cancer, the IASLC Atlas of ALK testing in lung cancer is established in the conference, which correlates with the trend of genetic testing as the spotlight in the lung cancer research. Before turning over the new atlas, it would be beneficial to have an overview of where we are in genomic research of lung cancer: (;
Another exciting news is that the Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma (established by the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute, Sydney, 2013) was featured the in the December 2013 issue of JTD (
We also enjoy the opportunity to greet our authors and readers for the special issue just brought out in the city of Sydney (Figures 4-19). Prof. Peter Goldstraw and Prof. Heather Wakelee (Figure 4), both Editorial Board Members of TLCR, came and speak highly of the special issue on Management of early stage NSCLC. We have also met Prof. Kwun Fong and Prof. Micheal Boyer (Figure 5), Presidents of WCLC 2013, also our editorial board members. When the editorial staffs presented the gifts prepared for them, Prof. Kwun Fong also sent the Science Editor a beautiful fabric collage. The first face-to-face meeting between our editorial board member and editor after long time email correspondence soon turns into happy and friendly conversation.

Dr. James Jett, the former Editor of JTO came and say hello to our editorial staff to claim the special issue on early management of NSCLC in TLCR. Prof. Charles B Simone, presenter for the Mesothelioma section and outstanding author of JTD, agreed to expand his talk into a manuscript, which is expected to be published in JTD early 2014 (Figure 12). Then Dr. Daniela Morales-Espinosa, author of the lung cancer special issue of TLCR is congratulated on her winning of the Young Investigator Award, with whom we have a very nice dinner together along with Dr. Niki Karachaliou.
With such an academic communication, the editor and our reader (be he/she, our board member or author) have exchange their ideas and the readers have a better understanding of the journal (Figure 19). As editorial representatives from China, we have prepared for both our board members and authors the Chinese artwork as an acknowledgement for their tremendous support and contributions.
Seeing the wide recognition of these focused issues, we feel the tremendous impetus to march forward for deeper and more comprehensive exploration in related field. The smile with recognition from our reader just makes all the effort worth it!
Disclosure: The author declares no conflict of interest.