Review Article

Is two lung ventilation with artificial pneumothorax a better choice than one lung ventilation in minimally invasive esophagectomy?

Miao Lin, Yaxing Shen, Mingxiang Feng, Lijie Tan


Two lung ventilation (TLV) with artificial pneumothorax has been introduced into MIE for several years. A few researches have reported its clinical application, and proved its safety and feasibility. However, it is still controversial whether TLV with artificial pneumothorax is a better choice than one lung ventilation (OLV). Obviously, single lumen endotracheal tube is easy for intubation and intraoperative maintenance. Potential problems during intervention include hemodynamic changes, oxygenation, and air embolism. In this paper, present literature is reviewed about two and one lung ventilation in thoracoscopy, looking for clear conclusions for future application.

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