What is the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG)?
The Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG) is a Working Group of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS). The purpose of UVIG is to create a community of Thoracic Surgeons inside the ESTS with a specific interest in Uniportal VATS (UniVATS) as the preferred approach to intrathoracic conditions amenable to surgical diagnosis and treatment. In these years, UniVATS has become a significant part of major lung resections (especially in some areas of the World, as in Asia) and has revolutionised the way thoracic surgeons treat intrathoracic conditions. Up to now, the papers published in PubMed about UniVATS were more than 600. Nevertheless, we have no guidelines or recommendations. Therefore, despite a considerable number of articles, there are still many doubts, and controversies and UVIG might be an ideal place where ideas for new projects and initiatives spring up.