The textbook on lung cancer: time for personalized medicine
We are glad to announce that the book Lung Cancer is officially published by the AME Publishing Company (Figure 1).
At the 3rd Asian Single Port VATS Symposium & Live Surgery held on March 26-27 in Hong Kong, an announcement ceremony for the book on Lung Cancer was held (Figure 2). In its debut, we are glad to see the book well received by the international experts.

Our Honorary Editors-in Chief for Lung Cancer are Prof. Jie He and Prof. Rafael Rosell and the Editors-in Chief are Prof. Jianxing He, Prof. Thomas A. D’Amico and Prof. Xiuyi Zhi. The Associate Editors-in Chief include Prof. Qun Wang, Prof. Tristan D. Yan, Prof. Calvin Ng, Prof. Caicun Zhou, Prof. Heather A. Wakelee, Dr. Wenhua Liang.
Despite many years of dedicated effort, including basic, translational and clinical research, public education, and health care policy, lung cancer remains the number one cause of death by malignancy in the world, and it is responsible for as many deaths as colon, breast, pancreas and prostate cancers combined in the US. Thus, successful efforts to better understand and better treat lung cancer will have long lasting ramifications, for patient care specifically and for public health globally, as well.
The volume, Lung Cancer, is just such an effort. Comprised of contributions by the most accomplished scientists and clinicians internationally, Lung Cancer thoroughly examines the spectrum of topics related to better understanding and better treating the world’s most lethal malignancy.
From the basic science of lung cancer to the most advanced therapeutic techniques, this text provides the reader—student or professional—with a most comprehensive analysis. Lung Cancer also provides practical information epitomizing the rapid progress in the field of lung cancer today and instilling in physicians the confidence derived from this knowledge when dealing with patients.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the leading investigators who have contributed to this endeavor and to the growing knowledge of lung cancer today.
The book Lung Cancer is now available both online and in print with English and Chinese version. Please enjoy.
Catalogue of Lung Cancer:
1 Molecular biology of lung cancer
Wendy A. Cooper, David C. L. Lam, Sandra A. O’Toole, John D. Minna
16 The pivotal role of pathology in the management of lung cancer
Morgan R. Davidson, Adi F. Gazdar, Belinda E. Clarke
34 Towards optimal pathologic staging of resectable non-small cell lung cancer
Raymond U. Osarogiagbon, Gail E. Darling
42 Molecular determinants of lung cancer metastasis to the central nervous system
Timothy G. Whitsett, Landon J. Inge, Harshil D. Dhruv, Philip Y. Cheung, Glen J. Weiss, Ross M. Bremner, Jeffrey A. Winkles, Nhan L. Tran
53 Genetic susceptibility to lung cancer and co-morbidities
Ian A. Yang, John W. Holloway, Kwun M. Fong
64 Non-neuronal cholinergic system in airways and lung cancer susceptibility
Laura Saracino, Michele Zorzetto, Simona Inghilleri, Ernesto Pozzi, Giulia Maria Stella
75 Diagnostic bronchoscopy—current and future perspectives
Steven Leong, Tawimas Shaipanich, Stephen Lam, Kazuhiro Yasufuku
90 Modern diagnostic and therapeutic interventional radiology in lung cancer
Wai-Kit Lee, Eddie W. F. Lau, Kwang Chin, Oliver Sedlaczek, Karin Steinke
105 Screening for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography: a review of current status
Henry M. Marshall, Rayleen V. Bowman, Ian A. Yang, Kwun M. Fong, Christine D. Berg
125 Exhaled breath analysis for lung cancer
Annette G. Dent, Tom G. Sutedja, Paul V. Zimmerman
138 Interventional pulmonology approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of early stage non small cell lung cancer
Ryu Peter Hambrook Tofts, Peter M. J. Lee, Arthur Wai Sung
154 Post-therapeutic positron emission tomography/computed tomography for early detection of non-small cell lung cancer recurrence
Sonja Sudarski, Thomas Henzler, Stefan O. Schoenberg
163 New TNM classification: achievements and hurdles
Peter Goldstraw
172 A review of clinical practice guidelines for lung cancer
Jutta J. von Dincklage, David Ball, Gerard A. Silvestri
190 Customized chemotherapy in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Jia Wei, Teresa Moran, Zhengyun Zou, Xiaoping Qian, Lifeng Wang, Carlos Camps, Wenjing Hu, Imane Chaib, Belén Sanchez, Lixia Xu, Niki Karachaliou, María Sanchez-Ronco, Baorui Liu, Rafael Rosell
199 Management of elderly patients
Alain Vergnenegre, Romain Corre, Hervé Lena, Hervé LeCaer
207 Alternative to surgery in early stage NSCLC—interventional radiologic approaches
Kyungmouk Steve Lee, Bradley B. Pua
221 Supportive and palliative care for lung cancer patients
Patsy Yates, Penelope Schofield, Isabella Zhao, David Currow
227 Thoracoscopic sleeve resection—the better approach?
Calvin S.H. Ng
230 Surgery in 2013 and beyond
Rishendran Naidoo, Morgan N. Windsor, Peter Goldstraw
246 Management of ground-glass opacities: should all pulmonary lesions with ground-glass opacity be surgically resected?
Yoshihisa Kobayashi, Tetsuya Mitsudomi
256 Video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy—from an experimental therapy to the standard of care
Tristan D. Yan
258 Techniques of VATS lobectomy
John D. Mitchell
263 Contraindications of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical lobectomy and determinants of conversion to open
Jennifer M. Hanna, Mark F. Berry, Thomas A. D’Amico
272 Current costs of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy
Tunc Lacin, Scott Swanson
276 Indication for VATS sublobar resections in early lung cancer
Antonio E. Martin-Ucar, Maria Delgado Roel
283 Totally thoracoscopic pulmonary anatomic segmentectomies: technical considerations
Dominique Gossot, Rym Zaimi, Ludovic Fournel, Madalina Grigoroiu, Emmanuel Brian, Charles Neveu
291 Teaching video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy
Philip W. Carrott Jr, David R. Jones
297 Right, middle, and lower bronchial sleeve lobectomy by video assisted thoracic surgery
Xin Zhang, Gui-Lin Peng, Li-Xia Liang, Jian-Xing He
300 Non-intubated complete thoracoscopic bronchial sleeve resection for central lung cancer
Wenlong Shao, Kevin Phan, Xiaotong Guo, Jun Liu, Qinglong Dong, Jianxing He
304 Anesthesia with nontracheal intubation in thoracic surgery
Qinglong Dong, Lixia Liang, Yingfen Li, Jun Liu, WeiqiangYin, Hanzhang Chen, Xin Xu, Wenlong Shao, Jianxing He
310 Video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Wei Wang, Zhiqiang Xu, Xinguo Xiong, Weiqiang Yin, XinXu, Wenlong Shao, Hanzhang Chen, Jianxing He
318 Analysis of feasibility and safety of complete video-assisted thoracoscopic resection of anatomic pulmonary segments under non-intubated anesthesia
Zhihua Guo, Wenlong Shao, Weiqiang Yin, Hanzhang Chen, Xin Zhang, Qinglong Dong, Lixia Liang, Wei Wang, Guilin Peng, Jianxing He
326 Comparative study of systematic thoracoscopic lymphadenectomy and conventional thoracotomy in resectable non-small cell lung cancer
Wei Wang, Weiqiang Yin, Wenlong Shao, Gening Jiang, Qun Wang, Lunxu Liu, Deruo Liu, Zheng Wang, Zhihua Zhu, Hanzhang Chen, Jianxing He
Medical Oncology
333 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer
Francesc Salvà, Enriqueta Felip
338 Adjuvant chemotherapy of completely resected early stage nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Ying Liang, Heather A. Wakelee
346 VATS lobectomy facilitates the delivery of adjuvant docetaxel-carboplatin chemotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Xiuyi Zhi, Wen Gao, Baohui Han, Yue Yang, Hui Li, Deruo Liu, Changli Wang, Gong Min, Hao Long, James R. Rigas, Mark Carey, Thierry Jahan, Amanda Sammann, Joseph Reza, Daoyuan Wang, Michael J. Mann, David M. Jablons, Jianxing He, for the China Clinical Trials Consortium
353 Anti-tumor immune response in early stage non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): implications for adjuvant therapy
Charles A. Butts
361 Adjuvant molecularly targeted therapy—epidermal growth factor tyrosine kinase inhibition and beyond
Joel W. Neal, Lecia V. Sequist
365 The continuing role of chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer in the targeted therapy era
Zarnie Lwin, Jonathan W. Riess, David Gandara
375 Chemotherapy advances in small-cell lung cancer
Bryan A. Chan, Jermaine I. G. Coward
391 Targeted therapy in lung cancer: IPASS and beyond, keeping abreast of the explosion of targeted therapies for lung cancer
Peter Savas, Brett Hughes, Benjamin Solomon
408 Apoptotic agents
Dean A. Fennell
414 Adaptive resistance to targeted therapies in cancer
Rafael Rosell, Niki Karachaliou, Daniela Morales-Espinosa, Carlota Costa, Miguel Angel Molina, Irene Sansano, Amaya Gasco, Santiago Viteri, Bartomeu Massuti, Jia Wei, María González Cao, Alejandro Martínez Bueno
422 State of the art of radiotherapy
Pilar Garrido, Mª Eugenia Olmedo
433 Recent advances in radiotherapy for thoracic tumours
Michael Fay, Christopher M. Poole, Gary Pratt
439 Alternatives to surgery in early stage disease—stereotactic body radiotherapy
Meredith Elana Giuliani, Andrea Bezjak
447 Post-operative radiation therapy
Amaury Paumier, Cécile Le Péchoux
457 Proton radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer
Heath Devin Skinner, Ritsuko Komaki
464 Prognostic and predictive biomarkers in early stage non-small cell lung cancer: tumor based approaches including gene signatures
Simona Carnio, Silvia Novello, Mauro Papotti, MarcoLoiacono, Giorgio Vittorio Scagliotti
474 Prognostic and predictive biomarkers in early stage NSCLC: CTCsand serum/plasma markers
Philip A. J. Crosbie, Rajesh Shah, Yvonne Summers, Caroline Dive, Fiona Blackhall
490 Copy number gains of FGFR1 and 3q chromosome in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
Pedro Mendez, Jose Luis Ramirez
501 Predictive models for customizing chemotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Laura Bonanno
513 Are we ready to use biomarkers for staging, prognosis and treatment selection in early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer?
Bartomeu Massuti, Jose Miguel Sanchez, Florentino Hernando-Trancho, Niki Karachaliou, Rafael Rosell
527 Tumor heterogeneity: evolution through space and time in EGFR mutant non small cell lung cancer patients
Margarita Majem, Jordi Remon
539 EGFR molecular testing in African-American non-small cell lung cancer patients - a review of discrepant data
Bradley T. Clifford, Pingfu Fu, Nathan A. Pennell, Balazs Halmos, Rom S. Leidner
544 International trial of adjuvant therapy in high risk stage I nonsquamous cell carcinoma identified by a 14-gene prognostic signature
Johannes R. Kratz, Michael J. Mann, David M. Jablons
548 Impact of EGFR mutation status on tumor response and progression free survival after first-line chemotherapy in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a meta-analysis
Wenhua Liang, Yaxiong Zhang, Shiyang Kang, Hui Pan, Wenlong Shao, Qiuhua Deng, Xiaoshun Shi, Wei Wang, Jianxing He
Translational medicine
560 FGFR1 amplifications in squamous cell carcinomas of the lung: diagnostic and therapeutic implications
Hans-Ulrich Schildhaus, Lucia Nogova, Jürgen Wolf, Reinhard Buettner
569 ALK and ROS1 as a joint target for the treatment of lung cancer: a review
Raimon Puig de la Bellacasa, Niki Karachaliou, Roger Estrada-Tejedor, Jordi Teixidó, Carlota Costa, José I. Borrell
584 Activated RET and ROS: two new driver mutations in lung adenocarcinoma
Marc Bos, Masyar Gardizi, Hans-Ulrich Schildhaus, Reinhard Buettner, Juergen Wolf
594 HER2 driven non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): potential therapeutic approaches
Ana Christina Garrido-Castro, Enriqueta Felip
600 Targeting EML4-ALK driven non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Teresa Morán, Vanesa Quiroga, María de los Llanos Gil, Laia Vilà, Nuria Pardo, Enric Carcereny, Laia Capdevila, Ana M. Muñoz-Mármol, Rafael Rosell
614 KRAS mutant NSCLC, a new opportunity for the synthetic lethality therapeutic approach
Javier de Castro Carpeño, Cristóbal Belda-Iniesta
624 The role of SOX2 in small cell lung cancer, lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
Niki Karachaliou, Rafael Rosell, Santiago Viteri
632 Inhibition of insulin-like growth factor receptor: end of atargeted therapy?
Rathi N. Pillai, Suresh S. Ramalingam
641 MET inhibition in lung cancer
Jessica Menis, Matteo Giaj Levra, Silvia Novello
658 Irreversible EGFR-TKIs: dreaming perfection
Lorenza Landi, Federico Cappuzzo
The book could now be viewed at:
Disclosure: The author declares no conflict of interest.