Although video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) was described twenty years ago, it only
accounts for 2-5% of all pulmonary lobectomies performed in the United States and the United
Kingdom (1). In addition, nearly 80% of VATS cases performed take place in specialty academic
centers (2). The reasons for the lack of widespread acceptance are (I) the perceived complexity
of the technique, (II) inadequate instrumentation and resources, and (III) concern regarding
the potential compromise of safe surgical and oncologic principles, despite the reported benefits
of perioperative pain, cosmesis, pulmonary complications, and length of stay (1). We recently
reported the outcomes of a hybrid VATS technique in 1,170 cases in the community setting,
the largest reported VATS series in the literature, which addressed those three concerns and
demonstrated outcomes comparable to the conventional VATS technique (1,2). As we described,
this hybrid technique, utilizing a 10 mm port site in the 8th inter-space and a 8-10 cm incision
mini-thoracotomy in the 4th inter-space, provides the benefits of minimally invasive surgery
while allowing the flexibility required for a solo-practitioner to perform safe and appropriate
oncologic thoracic surgery in a community setting (1,2). Now the question is how good are the
reported outcomes for VATS and robotic video-assisted thoracic surgery (RVATS) in specialized
centers? Here, we will introduce two meta-analyses recently published that systemically review the
outcomes (3,4).
The main criticism of the evidence in favor of VATS compared to open thoracotomy has been
that the studies were biased because they were non-randomized observational retrospective studies
and thus more favorable patients may have been selected for the new technique (3). To address
this concern, the data of 7,739 unmatched non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients from
3 retrospective studies were analyzed, 5,636 open thoracotomy versus 2,094 VATS, as well as
differences in propensity score matched patients in open thoracotomy versus VATS, 1,681 cases
in each group (3). Mortality, prolonged airleak, and sepsis were significantly lower in the VATS
unmatched comparison, but not significantly lower in the matched VATS comparison (3). Overall
perioperative morbidity and length of hospital stay were consistently lower in VATS in both the
matched and unmatched comparisons (3). While previous smaller studies have demonstrated the benefits of VATS compared to open thoracotomy, this review
further contextualized those results for clinical practice (3).
Over the last decade there have been small reports of RVATS
utilizing the $1 million US dollar master-slave robotic system
(da Vinci, Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, California), but there
has been controversy regarding the actual benefits of this
expensive technology (4). A systematic review of 941 patients
(mostly NSCLC, some carcinoid and metastatic disease) from
12 institutions in 9 reports compared RVATS to VATS and open
thoracotomy. They demonstrated equivalent oncologic outcomes
to open thoracotomy, and the overall mortality ranged from
0-3.8%, overall morbidity from 0-39%, average operative time
from 132-238 minutes, rates of conversion to open thoracotomy
from 0-19%, average chest tube days from 1.5-7 days, and
median length of hospital stay from 2-11 days. In contrast,
our hybrid VATS series demonstrated an overall perioperative
mortality of 4.3%, overall morbidity of 21.1%, mean operative
time of 52 minutes, no conversions to open thoracotomy, mean
chest tube days of 4.5 days, and mean length of hospital stay
of 7 days (1). RVATS was on average $3,981 US dollars more
expensive than VATS, but $3,988 US dollars cheaper than open
thoracotomy (4). However, an extra $1,715 US dollars of amortized
cost had to be accounted for utilizing the robot for each RVATS
patient. Furthermore, although they demonstrated an improved
quality of life score in the RVATS patients compared to open
thoracotomy 3 weeks after operation, there was no difference
at 4 months. Although they demonstrated the feasibility of
this technology which has a well reported steep learning curve,
the benefits of RVATS over VATS, especially considering the
increased cost, have yet to be demonstrated.
Although the benefits for RVATS remain controversial,
especially in the current economic environment where
comparative-effectiveness and maximizing health care dollars
are essential (4), there is further evidence that VATS is a feasible
technology which provides benefits to patients. Although there
is no large prospective randomized trial to definitively answer
the question regarding the benefits of VATS compared to open
thoracotomy, our reported hybrid VATS technique and large series demonstrated its benefits when performed outside of
specialty academic centers and addressed the major concerns
preventing widespread implementation (1,2). Although the
meta-analysis demonstrated a possible element of bias in the
retrospective comparisons of VATS to open thoracotomy
reported in the literature vis-à-vis mortality, prolonged air
leak, and sepsis, they still found a significant improvement
in morbidity and length of stay even after propensity score
matching (4). The results of these latest studies (3,4) taken
together with our series (1,2) will hopefully lead to a greater
adoption of VATS in pulmonary resection and provide the
benefits of minimally invasive surgery to more patients in the
future regardless of whether they are treated at specialty centers
or in the community.