The Journal of Visualized Surgery has been established as the Official Journal of the Asia Thoracoscopic Surgery Education Program
We proudly announce that from September 2015, Journal of Visualized Surgery (JOVS) has been established as the Official Journal of the Asia Thoracoscopic Surgery Education Program (ATEP) (Figures 1,2). This represents an ideal partnership between two bodies that share a common goal—the progress of visualized surgical technique of the highest standards.

The ATEP is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of minimally invasive thoracic surgery across Asia. Every year, it organizes many surgical workshops, academic conferences, and educational activities across a variety of multi-media platforms. For these efforts to reach their full potential in sharing knowledge and skills with all Asian surgeons, they need to be publicized, and both members and friends of ATEP need to be kept informed of them. JOVS now provides the ideal platform for this.
JOVS covers the modern field of Visualized Surgery—which includes all procedures in which video technology enhances surgery, such as VATS, laparoscopy, endoscopy and many other approaches. In line with the theme of visualized surgery, videos are a central component of any visualized surgery, and hence videos are an essential element of JOVS articles. Unlike traditional journals focused only on publishing research data, JOVS features basic, advanced and innovative visualized surgical techniques. Safe, well-taught techniques are also precisely what ATEP seeks to promote through its educational activities.
As the Official Journal of ATEP, JOVS provides the ideal vehicle for the sharing of sound minimally invasive thoracic surgical practice as espoused by ATEP. ATEP Faculty and members are encouraged to make use of JOVS to promulgate their educational aims and operative standards. Submissions from ATEP will be warmly received by JOVS. Upcoming collaborations between ATEP and JOVS will include: promotion of ATEP activities and news; interlink between the respective websites; and Special Issues on ATEP themes which will be guest-edited by ATEP members. Readers of JOVS will stand to gain from the wealth of experience of the ATEP Faculty—comprising some of the most esteemed VATS surgeons in the world. They will also be kept informed of how they can participate in ATEP workshops, symposia and events.
With this joining of like-minded groups in ATEP and JOVS, the future of visualized surgery of the thorax just became that much brighter!
Conflicts of Interest: The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.