The long-term success of cardiovascular surgery in Takayasu arteritis: 48 years of experience in Mexico, beyond forefront techniques
Original Article

The long-term success of cardiovascular surgery in Takayasu arteritis: 48 years of experience in Mexico, beyond forefront techniques

María Elena Soto1,2 ORCID logo, Victor Gabriel Gómez-Saviñón3, Cuauhtémoc Vásquez-Jiménez4, Rodolfo Barragán-Garcia3,4, Iván Hernandez-Mejia3, Solange Gabriela Koretzky5,6 ORCID logo, Verónica Guarner-Lans7, Israel Perez-Torres8, Humberto Jorge Martínez-Hernández3, Valentín Herrera-Alarcón3

1Research Direction, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, Mexico City, Mexico; 2Cardiovascular Line, Department of Centro Medico American British Cowdray (ABC), Mexico City, Mexico; 3Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Ignacio Chávez, Mexico City, Mexico; 4Cardiovascular Surgery Service, Department of Mexicali Cardiological Center, Mexico City, Mexico; 5Department of Editorial, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, Mexico City, Mexico; 6Department of Clinical Research, Mexico’s Children Hospital “Federico Gómez”, Mexico City, Mexico; 7Department of Physiology, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, Mexico City, Mexico; 8Department of Cardiovascular Biomedicine, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología, Mexico City, Mexico

Contributions: (I) Conception and design: ME Soto, VG Gómez-Saviñón, C Vásquez-Jiménez; (II) Administrative support: ME Soto; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: C Vásquez-Jiménez, VG Gómez-Saviñón, R Barragán-Garcia, HJ Martínez-Hernández, I Hernandez-Mejia, V Herrera-Alarcón; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: ME Soto, C Vásquez-Jiménez, VG Gómez-Saviñón, R Barragán-Garcia, HJ Martínez-Hernández, I Hernandez-Mejia, V Herrera-Alarcón; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: ME Soto, I Perez-Torres, SG Koretzky; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.

Correspondence to: Maria Elena Soto, MD, PhD. Research Direction, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, Juan Badiano No. 1, Colonia Section XVI 14080, Mexico City, Mexico; Cardiovascular Line, Department of Centro Medico American British Cowdray (ABC), Mexico City, Mexico. Email:

Background: Takayasu arteritis (TA) affects medium and large caliber arteries causing stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysms. It has great predilection for the aortic arch, subclavian and extracranial arteries. The global prevalence is of 1% to 2% per million inhabitants, which varies by geographical region. The main cause of death in TA of cardiovascular origin and includes ischemic cardiomyopathy and valvular disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the surgical experience according to the type of surgery in subjects with TA and with and without long-term inflammatory activity.

Methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive, cross-sectional study, between 1969 and 2017. Patients with TA with more than 3 classification criteria according to the American College of Rheumatology were included. The type of surgery was classified as: organ preservation, cardiac, bypass, exclusion, and replacement. Inflammatory activity was evaluated.

Results: A total of 41 patients were included, out of which 31 (76%) were women. The age at diagnosis was 29±10 years. The long-term survival rate according to the surgical procedure was in cardiac surgery of 15 years in 90% of cases, in organ preservation surgery of 35 years in 90%. Bypass, replacement, exclusion and other surgeries had a 100% survival at a follow-up of 48 years.

Conclusions: There are different types of surgical approaches to treat the complexity of each TA patient. The surgical technique well selected by experts in cardiothoracic surgery offers an excellent long-term prognosis. Interventional management successfully resolves some arterial occlusive aspects. It is necessary to evaluate the appropriate use of surgical, interventional, and hybrid management through randomized clinical trials to evaluate their comparison with transparency.

Keywords: Takayasu arteritis (TA); long term; types of surgery

Submitted May 31, 2024. Accepted for publication Nov 01, 2024. Published online Dec 27, 2024.

doi: 10.21037/jtd-24-709

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Key findings

• The long-term survival rate according to the surgical procedure was 90% of cases for cardiac surgery in 15 years and 90% for organ preservation surgery in 35 years. Bypass, replacement, exclusion and other surgeries had a 100% survival at a follow-up of 48 years.

What is known and what is new?

• Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a rare vasculitis with a prevalence of 1% to 2% per million inhabitants. The inflammatory process leads to fibrosis, causing stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysms in the aorta and the arterial branches that emerge from it. Depending on the affected artery, this ultimately leads to organic damage. The treatment is medical and interventional, depending on the stage at which the damage is detected.

• Surgical or interventional treatment in patients with TA requires pre-surgical control of inflammatory activity. It is suggested that arterial complications be evaluated in an individual context to determine the ideal surgical technique, interventionism, or hybrid approach for better results in survival prognosis.

What is the implication, and what should change now?

• It is suggested to control inflammatory activity before any approach and arterial complications should be evaluated in an individual context to determine the ideal surgical technique to obtain satisfactory long-term results.



Vasculitis is a clinical pathological process in which inflammation causes damage to blood vessels (1,2).

The Takayasu arteritis (TA) has a global prevalence of 1% to 2% per million inhabitants (3). The diagnosis is more frequent in young women. In Mexico, a gender ratio of 6.9 to 1 is reported in favor of women and the more frequent diagnosis is made before 30 years of age (4). The main cause of death is of cardiovascular origin including ischemic cardiomyopathy and valvular disease. The cardiovascular cause is 7.6 times more frequent than in the general population and there may be a delay in the diagnosis (5,6). The therapeutic management varies and there have been great technological advances, which have proven efficient in their performance both in their isolated application form and hybrid management (surgery-use of stents) (7). The largest series still do not reach follow-up periods longer than 20 years (8).

A meta-analysis showed better long-term outcome when using cardiac surgery (9). Although endovascular management has also been used, its main challenge is that the long-term results of this procedure are still unknown (10). Moreover, the persistent inflammatory condition that is often present after its performance, could result in restenosis.

Rationale and knowledge gap

There are still two unresolved concepts regarding endovascular management; The first issue is the lack of precise control over arterial inflammation. Although there are clinical and imaging criteria, the measurement is not precise. This necessitates achieving genuine control over inflammatory activity before any surgical or interventional procedure. The second issue is the absence of comparisons between long-term surgery evaluations and interventions in this context.


The main objective of this study was to determine the long-term impact of surgical management of TA through the evaluation of survival and evolution of patients undergoing corrective surgery for occlusive or aneurysmal lesions. We present this article in accordance with the STROBE reporting checklist (available at


This was a retrospective and descriptive, cohort study between 1969 and 2017 in the National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez. A review of the clinical records of patients that met more than three classification criteria to TA of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1990 (11) and the new 2022 ACR/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology classification criteria for TA (11,12) (Figure S1).

The selection and recruitment process for the population with TA based on the study’s design is depicted in an algorithm (Figure 1). Inclusion criteria encompassed individuals requiring a surgical procedure between 1969 and 2017, without restrictions based on sex or age. Patients intervened in other institutions were excluded.

Figure 1 Drawing that shows an algorithm, the type of design and the methodology carried out to obtain the selected cases of TA included in this study. (I) The cases with diagnosis of TA that had undergone surgery in the period studied were located in the surgical archives and the clinical archive of the hospital. (II) The criteria with which they were classified by the rheumatologists who evaluated them at the time of the surgical event were analyzed and those that met ≥3 ACR criteria were selected, which were used at that time. (III) All cases were thoroughly reviewed by M.E.S., rheumatologist, to evaluate whether they met the previous and current classification criteria in TA. (IV) Of the total number of patients found with a diagnosis of TA. Only those who had all the data to be classified and who were certain of the clinical, surgical and laboratory data sought were included, and only 44 were included. (V) The classification of the type of surgery was proposed with these terms by the group of surgeons. (VI) To give a report with the greatest approximation of the long-term results in the care of these patients. TA, Takayasu arteritis; FDG, fluorodeoxyglucose; ACR, American College of Rheumatology.

The patients who underwent surgery were presented to a heart team and that selection was made up of expert specialists, rheumatologists, vascular interventionists and vascular and cardiothoracic surgeons. The patient data was collected from the clinical history, obtained from the institutional records where they were extracted. Demographic variables, follow-up time, type of surgery and information on the type of procedures and complications was obtained.

The surgical event was classified into five groups: (I) organ-preservation surgery (mainly renal autograft); (II) bypass (revascularization of affected organs or segments with Woven Dacron graft); (III) replacement (replacement of affected aortic segment with a Woven Dacron graft); (IV) cardiac surgery (direct procedures in heart); (V) exclusion [resection of an affected organ (nephrectomy)] (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Drawing showing the five different types of surgery. (A) Organ preservation. We include procedures that modify the natural evolution of the disease about the rescued organs. At the renal level, there are autotransplantation and renal revascularization. (B) Bypass (revascularization of affected organs or segments with Woven Dacron graft bypass at the cerebral level, revascularization of the supra-aortic trunks, in intestinal function, revascularization of the mesenteric artery). (C) Replacement (replacement of affected aortic segment with a Woven Dacron graft). (D) Cardiac surgery (direct procedures in heart). (E) Exclusion [resection of an affected organ (nephrectomy)].

Inflammatory activity was evaluated according to the Dabague-Reyes criteria, in which a score greater than or equal to 5 was considered as active inflammation (13). The laboratory data included into criteria are complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), fibrinogen (Fb), and C-reactive protein (CRP).

The arterial lesion was classified according to Hata et al. (14) (Figure 3).

Figure 3 We show the new classification. Type I involves primarily the branches from the aortic arch. Type IIa involves the ascending aorta, aortic arch and its branches. Type IIb involves the ascending aorta, aortic arch with its branches and thoracic descending aorta. Type III involves the thoracic descending aorta, abdominal aorta and/or renal arteries. This type could be meaningful when considering the spread of vascular lesions. Type IV affects only the abdominal aorta and/or renal arteries. Type V affects the combined features of both types of IIb and IV. Furthermore, the involvement of coronary or pulmonary artery should be indicated as C (+) or P (+), respectively.

Statistical analysis

Variables with a loss of the sample data of more than 20% were excluded. The categorical variables were described by percentages and prevalence, and the comparison was done using the Chi-squared or Fisher’s exact test. Statistical significance was considered with an error <0.05 and a power of 0.84. Numerical variables with parametric distribution were described using measures of central tendency. The inferential comparison was performed using the Student’s t-test, and the survival analysis was performed using Kaplan-Meier.

Ethical statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013) (15). The National Institute of Cardiology Research Committee Board approved this retrospective study in January 5, 2020 (No. 19-1140), and the requirement for patient consent to use clinical data was waived due to the retrospective study design.

Trial registration Identifier ID NCT03654222 retrospectively registered the studies involving human participants.


A total of 66 patients were evaluated, and 25 (38%) were eliminated because their medical records did not provide enough evidence. A total of 41 patients were finally analyzed. Thirty-one (76%) were women, and 10 (24%) were men. The age at diagnosis was 29±10 years.

Table 1 describes the demographic characteristics of the patients and their initial symptoms at the moment of diagnosis. The female gender prevailed with a ratio of 3.1:1. Among these patients, 88% were under 40 years old, with only five individuals (12%) surpassing this age threshold.

Table 1

Frequency of comorbidities, risk factors and symptoms at initial evaluation in Takayasu arteritis patients

Variables Total of patients (n=41, 100%) Women (n=31, 76%) Men (n=10, 24%) P
Clinical characteristics
   Age (years) 28 [11–60] 28 [11–60] 31 [16–46] 0.32
   BMI (kg/m2) 24 [14–30] 24 [14–30] 24 [16–29] 0.78
   ESR in patients with inflammatory activity (mm/h) 34 [5–60] 43 [41–60] 10 [5–27] 0.06
   Mellitus diabetes 2 [5] 1 [3] 1 [10] 0.43
   Systemic arterial hypertension 27 [66] 20 [65] 7 [70] >0.99
   Dyslipidemia 0 0 0 NA
   Chronic renal failure 7 [17] 4 [13] 3 [30] 0.36
   Alcoholism 10 [24] 3 [10] 7 [70] 0.001
   Smoking 10 [24] 8 [26] 6 [60] 0.06
Symptoms at initial diagnosis
   Angina pectoris 16 [39] 13[42] 3 30] 0.83
   Dyspnea 29 [71] 23 [74] 6 [60] 0.70
   Headache 25 [61] 16 [52] 9 [90] 0.05
   Dizziness 18 [44] 11 [35] 7 [70] 0.07
   Syncope 7 [17] 7 [23] 0 NA
   Blurry vision 13 [32] 9 [29] 4 [40] 0.28
   Abdominal pain 10 [24] 10 [32] 0 0.08
   Paresthesia 11 [27] 10 [32] 1 [10] 0.69

Data are presented as median [min–max] and n [%]. Imaging findings according to the classification of the type of arterial lesions by Hata: type IIa, 1 (2.4%); IIb, 2 (4.9%); III, 7 (17.1%); IV, 4 (9.8%); IV + C, 1 (2.4%); V, 22 (53.7%); V + C, 3 (7.3%); V + C + P, 1 (2.4%). The frequency of specific injuries was: carotid, 7 (17.1%); subclavian, 10 (24.4%); ascending aorta, 6 (14.6%); coronary arteries, 3 (7.3%); abdominal aorta, 10 (24.4%); infra-renal aorta, 3 (7.3%); renal arteries, 22 (53.7%). BMI, body mass index; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; mm/h, millimeters per hour; NA, not applicable; min, minimum; max, maximum.

According to the 1990 classification criteria, the percentages of cases that were younger than 40 years were 36 (88%), claudication of extremities [16 (39%)], murmurs [32 (78%)], the difference in systolic arterial pressure between an arm and another 35 (85%). Also, according to a new criterion, the patients had angina [16 (39%)], arterial lesions in one territory [19 (46.3%)], in two [16 (39%)], in three [6 (15%)] and abdominal aorta involvement of renal or mesenteric involvement [18 (44%)].

Table S1 shows the type of arterial injury the patients and the type of surgery performed.

Of the 41 patients, a total of 7 (17%) had a diagnosis of coronary artery disease, of which 3 (17.6%) underwent surgical coronary revascularization with saphenous vein grafts, 16 (39%) had coronary valve disease, of which 14 (87.5%) underwent surgical management, 8 (57%) underwent aortic valve replacement. In 4 (28.5%), a double valve replacement was performed (3 mitral-aortic and 1 mitral-tricuspid), and in 2 (14%), a mitral valve replacement was performed; an aneurysm was found in 5 (12%), and a Bentall and DeBono procedure was performed. In summary, cardiac surgery was performed in 15 (37%), organ preservation in 12 (29%), bypass in 7 (17%), exclusion in 5 (12%), replacement in 1 (2%), and other surgeries in 1 (2%).

A total of 15 (37%) patients had reports of inflammatory activity at the moment of surgery; in 11 (27%), inflammatory activity could not be evaluated at the moment of hospitalization. The average score had a median of 2.5 (min–max: 0–3) in patients who did not show inflammatory activity and of 5 (min–max: 4–6.5) in patients who had activity. The highest inflammatory activity was found in patients who underwent exclusion procedures. Percentage of the type of cardiac surgery and the frequencies of inflammatory activity are reported (Table 2, Figure 4).

Table 2

Percentage of patients with and without inflammatory activity at the moment of surgery and the type of surgery that they required

Type of surgery Total Without activity (n=26, 63%) With activity (n=15, 37%) P
Cardiac surgery 15 10 [38] 5 [33] 0.74
Organ preservation 12 9 [35] 3 [20] 0.47
Bypass 7 4 [15] 3 [20] 0.69
Exclusion 5 2 [8] 3 [20] 0.33
Replacement 1 0 1 [7] 0.36
Other 1 1 [4] 0 [0] 0.36

Data are presented as n (%) or n.

Figure 4 Frequency of type of surgery and the cases with or without inflammatory activity. (A) The frequency in percentages of type of surgeries that were performed in this study; (B) the percentage of cases that entered the surgical procedure with inflammatory activity according to the type of surgery in patients with Takayasu arteritis.

Most of the deaths were not associated with the surgical event. Only two deaths showed a relation with surgery; one was due to rupture of the posterior ventricular atrial groove while the mitral valve was change and the other was secondary to mesenteric thrombosis in a patient who later went to surgery for a right renal autograft and underwent a laparotomy 14 days after. Mortality due to surgery corresponded to 4.8%. Mortality due to some other event corresponded to 24%. In both cases, the complication occurred on days 28 and 15 of the hospitalization and was the cause of death (Table 3).

Table 3

Death causes according to the type of surgery and their association to the surgical procedure

Type of surgery Number (n=12) Cause
Deaths by non-surgical causes (n=10)
   Organ preservation 1 Acute pulmonary edema
   Bypass 3 Renal insufficiency and pulmonary thromboembolic event, abdominal sepsis, sepsis
   Cardiac surgery 4 Over anticoagulation, sepsis, pneumonia and endocarditis, cardiac tamponade, aneurism dissection
   Replacement 1 Septic shock by pneumonia
   Exclusion 1 Acute pulmonary edema
   Other 0 No deaths
Deaths from surgical causes (n=2)
   Organ preservation 1 Mesenteric thrombosis
   Cardiac surgery 1 Rupture of the posterior atrial ventricular groove

Mortality in the group of patients undergoing cardiac surgery was the highest. The survival according to the type of surgery and follow-up are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 The survival according to the type of surgery and follow-up. (A) The probability of survival of TA in relation to the surgical procedure, which in the long term is very high since it is greater than 90% in all types of surgery and this is maintained over the years. The two deaths were each from organ preservation surgery and cardiac surgery. (B) Survival rate according to the type of surgery and its relationship with causes of mortality not due to surgery are shown in this analysis by Kaplan-Meier. The survival rate of patients with TA undergoing surgery for another type of non-cardiac surgery was 100%; those who underwent organ preservation surgery were 80% at 24 years, those who were included for cardiac surgery, and those whose bypass was performed were both 75% at 24 years. TA, Takayasu arteritis.

Regarding the mortality associated with the surgical event and the long-term survival rate, we observed that 90% of patients who underwent cardiac surgery survived 15 years. In comparison, the organ-preservation surgery had a survival rate of 90% at 35 years. Patients who underwent bypass, replacement, exclusion, and other surgeries had a survival rate of 100% after a 45-year follow-up (Figure 5).

Patients undergoing cardiac surgery complications were studied at two different stages: during the hospital stay and after five years of follow-up. A total survival rate of 15 years was reached in less than 50% of the cases. The average survival rate in patients who underwent bypass surgery was 25 years in 70% of the cases. The rate of survival in the patients who had undergone organ-preservation surgery was 30 years in 90% of the cases (Figure 4).

There was only one case of replacement surgery in which the thoracic aorta was replaced using a thoraco-abdominal approach. The patient later had pneumonia and died of septic shock a week later.

In comparison of patients with and without activity at the time of surgery, we found no difference in mortality from all causes or those due to surgery. The surgical data of the patients are shown in Table S1.


The general characteristics found in the Mexican population differ slightly from those reported worldwide. The relationship between genders in this study was of 3.1:1 in favor of females while this ratio is usually reported to be of 6:1. This reported ratio might be biased since only patients requiring surgery were included and therefore, it does not represent the entire population. Other reports in Mexican patients, a ratio of 5.8–6.9 to 1 in favor of women (2,9,10), has been found, closely resembling that found worldwide.

In Mexico, the prevalence of type V arterial lesions is high, which represents that the surgical intervention performed is complex since the involvement found in these patients is throughout the aorta and is often associated with pulmonary damage to the coronary and valvular arteries (16,17). The incidence of cardiovascular alterations is similar to what was found in Korean patients, which have been reported to be the cause of increased mortality in patients with TA (18,19). The complex incidence of arterial and cardiovascular injury and the presence of inflammatory activity are factors that have frequently been associated with a higher mortality rate in previous studies (20). Survival of patients with TA in Mexico has been reported to be of up to 60% after 35 years of follow-up (21).

Even when it is seen that the surgery has been performed in the presence of inflammatory activity, since sometimes it is necessary to intervene urgently before waiting for appropriate therapeutic control of the inflammation.

Rosa Neto et al. (22) reported 146 patients with TA undergoing a vascular procedure, with a follow-up of 23 years. The survival rate was 87%; in patients treated by intervention and surgery, they reported that inflammatory activity at the time of intervention was associated with elevated mortality.

In this study, we found that the overall survival rate in patients treated by surgery at 45 years was 95% and the long-term causes of death were not related to surgery. However, it is relevant to mention that the patients who died had documented inflammatory activity before the surgical event.

The results obtained between complications and early mortality before 30 days have been clearly described in the first series and published reports, such as Saadoun et al. (23), Mwipatayi et al. (24) and Kaku et al. (25) which reported only one premature death in 20 operated patients. Before surgery, all patients received high doses of prednisolone. Schmidt et al. (26) reported an early mortality rate of 3% and Miyata et al. (27) reported 12 premature deaths after surgical procedure,

Although there is variability in the findings, it can be summarized that early complications in most series are low and very similar to what we found.

This study mentions cases that began in the 70s and the two patients who died from causes related to the surgical event had undergone surgery, one in 1987 who received mitral valve replacement and the patient died due to rupture of the posterior ventricular atrial groove and the another in 1991, a patient who received a right kidney auto transplant performed days later and presented mesenteric thrombosis. Li (28) reported 12 deaths in a Chinese series of 810 TA patients, of whom three died after surgery, and only 2 of the deaths were related to the surgical event. Chiche (29) reported 68 renal autotransplantation surgeries, out of which 26 corresponded to TA patients, and described a 90% survival at 150 months follow-up. This finally summarizes that early complications have a low incidence in most series reports of patients with TA.

Concerning the type of surgeries that were treated at this institution we found that cardiac surgery was the most prevalent intervention, and it had the highest mortality rate. In one patient, death was associated with surgery, and in 4, it was not related to the surgical procedure. The survival rate after 5 years was 90%. Death after 15 years was associated with surgery in 50% of cases. In the remaining patients, death was due to non-surgical causes.

Organ preservation surgery was the second most common type of surgery. Two deaths were reported; one was associated with the surgical event and had documented inflammatory activity, and the other was due to pulmonary edema. In this group of patients, there was a better survival rate (90%) after 30 years.

Bypass surgery was the third most common procedure in 7 cases, and 4 had inflammatory activity. Survival rate in this group was 100%.

Exclusion surgery was performed in 5 cases and 4 of them had inflammatory activity, one of those who died was not due to surgery. The survival rate in this group was 100% at 45 years. Survival rate was 80% in patients who had a 25-year follow-up; mortality was not associated with a surgical event.

Although new technologies have been implemented for the medical treatment of TA patients, the surgical procedure including cardiovascular surgery is still very important for symptom control and the treatment of complex obstructions. Nowadays, endovascular, or open surgical intervention is performed; however, comparisons of the yields of open and endovascular methods have been poorly studied. Furthermore, a hybrid combination in TA has been proposed to treat some types of vascular lesions. A meta-analysis demonstrated that there is a lower risk of stenosis with the open surgical intervention than with the endovascular intervention (30).

Complications such as cerebrovascular accidents are more frequent in TA patients that undergo open surgery in comparison to those who undergo endovascular intervention. However, differences related to the location of the lesion and the cerebrovascular accident have been found in open surgeries; this type of complications is more frequently found when supra-aortic branches are involved than when renal arteries are affected (30).

The variability of arterial lesions is related to stenosis and occlusion. Aneurysms are present in very few cases, and their prevalence was low, very similar to what was found in the Chinese and Portuguese populations (31,32).

Although the use of endovascular treatment is increasing, long-term follow-up and implementation of additional strategies to treat restenosis remain challenging (33). Histopathological studies have shown subclinical inflammatory activity that cannot be evaluated in patients with TA through clinical or laboratory findings, so there is no consensus to confirm its presence; the activity could be present in up to 40% of patients even if it has not been informed by clinical or imaging parameters (22,34). Furthermore, recent scores to evaluate it are not perfect.

Our results show many patients with a long-term evolution of the surgical procedures in its different approaches and demonstrate a low mortality rate related to the procedure. The prevalence of death from other causes is similar to that found in other series of patients.

Limitations of the study

In retrospective studies, it is difficult to evaluate whether immunosuppressor drugs were employed and to determine the combination of strategies employed in each patient. Therefore, it was difficult to evaluate the presence and type of inflammatory activity and whether anti-inflammatory drugs had been used, which could have impacted the success of the treatment.


In the advanced stage of TA, arterial occlusive damage affects organ irrigation and functionality changing the prognosis depending on the organ involved. There are diverse types of surgical and interventional approaches to treat the complexity of each patient in TA. In relation to the type of pre-surgical management, no inflammatory activity is suggested for any approach. In cardiothoracic surgery, the choice of the method by experts leads to a good long-term prognosis. Interventional treatment successfully resolves arterial occlusive aspects; however, the experience is short-term. The findings obtained in a single center provide internal validity, but cannot be generalized. The low incidence of this vasculitis leads us to propose the need for international multicenter studies adjusting for possible biases.


The authors would like to thank all the patients in this study.

Funding: None.


Reporting Checklist: The authors have completed the STROBE reporting checklist. Available at

Data Sharing Statement: Available at

Peer Review File: Available at

Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013). The National Institute of Cardiology Research Committee Board approved this retrospective study in January 5, 2020 (No. 19-1140), and the requirement for patient consent to use clinical data was waived due to the retrospective study design.

Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:


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Cite this article as: Soto ME, Gómez-Saviñón VG, Vásquez-Jiménez C, Barragán-Garcia R, Hernandez-Mejia I, Koretzky SG, Guarner-Lans V, Perez-Torres I, Martínez-Hernández HJ, Herrera-Alarcón V. The long-term success of cardiovascular surgery in Takayasu arteritis: 48 years of experience in Mexico, beyond forefront techniques. J Thorac Dis 2024;16(12):8482-8492. doi: 10.21037/jtd-24-709

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