Case Report

Successful treatment of lung adenocarcinoma with gefitinib based on EGFR gene amplification

Chunguo Wang, Feng Xu, Jianfei Shen, Linna Zhang, Jian Zhang, Jiang Jin, Luca Ampollini, Paul van Schil, Hideharu Kimura, Francesco Grossi, Kenichi Suda, Bo Zhang, Dehua Ma, written on behalf of the AME Lung Cancer Collaborative Group


In the past, the optimal first-line treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with wild-type for epidermal growth factor receptor (wt-EGFR) has been platinum-based chemotherapy doublets (1,2). More recently, clinicians have adopted immunotherapy with check-point inhibitors alone, in PD-L1 strong positive, or combined with chemotherapy independently to PD-L1 expression (3).

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