JTD Chinese Edition

The JTD Chinese edition (the Chinese edition of Journal of Thoracic Disease) is a Chinese-language column that addresses the growing need for trusted medical information in China. The initiative of the JTD Chinese edition aims to raise awareness of medical advances among clinicians through translated content, enhancing the links between Chinese scientists and the international medical community.

The translation of a selection of full-text content from JTD applies rigorous standards to ensure accuracy and quality control. The JTD Chinese edition will deliver the quality clinical and scientific content to the Chinese medical and clinical research community.


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斯洛文尼亚是欧洲(Europe, EU)东南部的一个小国,人口估计为210万,人口密度低(每平方公里101人)。


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英国全民医疗服务体系(National Health Service,NHS)始建于1948年,是一个由政府出资的医疗保健系统,旨在为所有生活在英国的人提供免费的医疗服务。


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